solutions > Metrica Evaluation Reports
Metrica�s Evaluation Reports are developed following in-depth consultation with clients about what they want to see � that way, when we come to create an evaluation report, we have a detailed understanding of what matters to those viewing the reports and the context in which the PR activity is placed.

Our flexible evaluation platform allows clients to choose the metrics that matter to their organisation and reports are designed to be easy to understand.

Metrica Evaluation Reports contain a tailored blend of easy to understand graphs and contextual summaries. They can be highly detailed and specific to certain products and regions or top-line, global and concise enough to be digested by a C-level executive in a five minute briefing.

Completely bespoke, they are available in many forms and cover a broad range of content. Common to many are some or all of the following breakdowns:
  • volume and favourability of coverage
  • delivery of key messages
  • issues and trends
  • key publications & journalist tracking
  • full intelligence on competitors media presence
  • breakdown by brands / services / products / business areas
  • impact achieved
  • media type
  • opportunities to see, regional & socio-economic profile
  • reach & frequency of coverage in terms of actual number of people against tightly defined core target audiences
  • concise summary of entire report
  • full qualitative analysis in easy to understand explanatory text

Frequency and type of report also varies considerably. Again we can deliver whatever our clients require � from daily analysis to a weekly KPI scorecard or bi-annual global overview. Our mid-range reports set out essential data in a selection of easy to understand charts, ideal for one-off projects or to provide a more detailed breakdown of a top-line report.

Our reports are completely bespoke and solution focused