tailored service
We start by getting to know a client, both the people and its business, learning about its PR objectives and using our industry expertise to help decide how to best benchmark its achievements. By looking from the beginning at what a PR plan is to be measured on/by the entire process is able to work more effectively.

As consultants with a vast range of experience and specialist knowledge we are able to provide clients with insight as to what will and will not help them get the most value from their media analysis.

Uniquely, we then build a bespoke analysis platform for every client which means we can track whatever metrics a client requests without compromise.

Analyst teams with relevant specialist expertise are then hand-picked and briefed in detail on the client.
transparent and easy to use
Whilst complex evaluation reports with nifty scoring systems may look impressive, few people have the time to decipher the results and they lack the consultative insight which makes them so invaluable to the planning process. Fifteen years at the forefront of the evaluation industry has shown us that scoring systems are not popular and do not work, so we don�t use them. Our reports are designed to be easy to understand, and deliver actionable information, though we�ll happily present the results in person if requested.
information delivery
When our analysis is complete, clients receive a tailored evaluation report with charts, commentary and a detailed summary. Some clients might benefit most from a weekly KPI scorecard to benchmark against key targets, supported by a more in-depth look at coverage on a quarterly basis. For others it may be a daily press summary and monthly analysis report while others may simply want an annual report.What type of report, and how often, is entirely up to our client and for those unsure we are always on hand to share our experience and discuss the available options.

Metrica is unique because it treats you like the individual you are