media R&D > research, planning and measurement cycle

A successful communications campaign needs to be properly researched, planned, implemented and measured. This is demonstrated in the chart below that shows the planning, research and measurement cycle:

market background

The cycle begins with the questions:
1) where are we now and
2.) where would we like to be?

To answer these questions requires information about what is happening in the market place relating to factors such as market share, competitors, consumer trends and public perceptions.

Within most organisations much of this information already exists, however, it is often beneficial to commission bespoke market research tailored to specific requirements. Metrica's integrated market research offerings use qualitative and/or quantitative techniques to help clients get the full picture.
strategic planning

With market background scoped out the next step is to identify key target audiences, their behaviour and attitudes. Focus groups and one-to-one interviews are valuable tools in doing this - Metrica has considerable experience using these techniques across all markets.

Before embarking on strategy and activity planning it is also crucial to set objectives � a PR or general communications plan should include business objectives, marketing objectives, target audiences and the strategy for achieving them all.

Through PR planning consultancy and tools such as ConsumerPulse, Metrica helps clients define their strategies and plan accurately targeted campaigns.
activity planning

Having examined the market background, determined objectives and set strategies to achieve them, then the next stage is to plan tactics. Metrica�s integrated market research tools can help clients check whether the tactics they choose will deliver the desired results through pre-testing, a technique still rarely used in PR although it has a long track record in advertising. This can include pre-testing messages, products or campaigns in general.

Measurement and evaluation throughout the implementation of a campaign, using Metrica�s media analysis and evaluation reports, helps ensure success by highlighting where there is any need for fine tuning.
process evaluation

It is important to know if a campaign is delivering its messages and if so to the right people. Metrica's media analysis system and evaluation reports enable clients� to identify the proportion of a target audience being reached through a campaign�s media coverage. It can also show the number of exposures of key messages to these audiences.

Metrica can also provide feedback on other PR techniques such as events, exhibitions, and roadshows.

outcome evaluation

When a campaign concludes, media analysis can reveal how effectively messages were delivered. Additional research can show whether the messages were successfully received, if attitudes or behaviour were changed for example as a result of a campaign.

Metrica�s integrated market research offerings can help assess what was been accomplished and provide intelligence which can be applied as the cycle comes full circle and planning begins for the next campaign

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