Headquartered in London, Metrica is ideally located to operate as either the pan-European or global hub for its clients� evaluation programmes � see case studies

Performing such a hub function, Metrica will tailor a solution to need, supporting the mass co-ordination of coverage collection from client, PR and/or press cuttings agencies.

Metrica�s capabilities include:
  • 48+ countries in US, LATAM, EMEA, APJ
  • 30+ languages, native speakers
  • 25,000 media outlets
  • Hybrid natural language processing (NLP) / human readers
  • Real time sourcing and analysis
  • Interactive dashboard approach
  • ROI research and econometric modelling
  • Real consultancy, experience and honest advice
With fifteen years experience delivering such programmes we are only too familiar with the pain points and have numerous ways to combat them, such as:

Hybrid solutions to deliver fast, accurate analysis
  • Timesaving technology where it works
  • Humans for the nuances of communication
Real-time analysis, with dashboard delivery
  • Interactive online dashboards accessed by global teams 24/7
  • Macro International intelligence alongside micro country-specific views
Cost-effective, scalable solutions
  • Real experience delivering international analysis within lean budgets
  • Cost effective coverage sourcing solutions

For more information about how we can help you mail: [email protected] or call: +44 (0)20 7664 0800