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Growth of companies measuring PR and using Media Analysis
New research carried out by Metrica has revealed that 90% of the UK�s largest organisations are now using media analysis compared to 73% that did so in 2003, representing a rise of 17% over the past two years. The research also revealed that companies which measure PR has grown by a similar amount, from 78% in 2002 to 95% in 2004, suggesting that media analysis accounted for most, if not all of this increase. Encouragingly, the research found that the number of organisations using AVEs dropped from 38% in 2002 to 34% now.

Commenting on the findings, Mark Westaby, founder and director of Metrica, says: �The research findings highlight the emphasis now placed on PR measurement by large companies and the importance of media analysis in fulfilling this. Regarding AVEs, although the fall in their use over the past couple of years is not large, we suspect this is part of a longer-term downward trend, which we would expect to continue.�

The number of large organisations that believe more money should be allocated to PR measurement has also increased over the past two years, with 64% saying that up to 10% of PR budget should be spent now compared to 55% in 2002; and 6% believe that over 20% of PR budget should be allocated to PR measurement compared to just 2% in 2002.

Relatively little has changed, however, on where large companies believe PR measurement budget should be spent. The majority still see �measuring success� as the most important use of media analysis, followed by �fine-tuning or re-directing media relations programmes�, �measuring ROI�, �justifying additional PR budget� and, finally, �measuring PR consultancy performance�.

The Metrica research also considered how large organisations regard PR consultancies in terms of planning and measurement. One in three (34%) believe that PR consultancies are bad at planning and measuring PR programmes, up from 29% in 2002. Most importantly, 69% believe that PR consultancies should make more use of planning, research and evaluation, with 91% believing that better use of planning, research and evaluation is important if PR is to continue to gain boardroom credibility. This finding is particularly relevant given that 52% of PR departments in large companies work �very closely� with their board.

The Metrica research was carried out among senior PR managers and directors from the UK�s top 1000 companies during the spring of 2004. Details of the findings can be found on the Metrica Web site at Please note you will need to request a username and password. Please click here to request this information.